- 288 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん :2011/08/04(木) 22:39:23.91 ID:KxJf2oj0
- 6.20TN-Eでみんゴル起動しない・・・orz
同じ症状の人いませんか?- 303 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2011/08/05(金) 10:47:28.11 ID:HJTdMExK
- >>288
PS VITA Encryption Flaw#元記事→■
Since I finally have access to a retail PS VITA, today I started with some basic tests.
After a complete freeze of the system within the first 5 minutes after unboxing (*always happens to new consoles 4 me rofl*), I went on and noticed that there is a problem with the VITA's encryption functions and was able to decrypt some test files directly via the system.